Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Touch Down.

I thought I should get a post up right quick about comic con 09. If I met or talked to you there, please drop me an e-mail! It's kelly@inkplay.net. I want to stay connected. :)

I'm floored by the privilege of being able to get my art out to people I've never even met. If you got a sticker, a shirt, or shared your own art with me, Thank You!
Seeing the con from the other side of the table for my first time was a huge learning experience. I'm processing everything very slowly. I don't know what will come of it yet.

As a thanks to con-goers and all lovers of awesome, I've released the 2nd image in the Glowpocalypse set. She is the striker, the heat, the precise force. I'm keeping the final image under wraps. It's just for people who own one of the 25 sets. Hee!
Oh wait, that can be you. Get your piece of the puzzle here.

Favorite moments of the weekend? Getting to be in the presence of Miyazaki as he revealed a jaw-dropping PONYO clip, and the immersive walk-through of the old school TRON arcade and Light Cycle.


damon said...

very cool

it was fun hanging out with you at the booth at comic con

jojo said...

OOF! i can feel her kick! ize likes whatz i sees!