Monday, March 19, 2007


Images from the March sketchcrawl in Griffith park. Have at em.

Splooshed some color on the drawing from the previous post. I think I like the original because it gets at a little of the joy and looseness I want in the film. Tried to keep the coloring loose too.

And fer fun, here's another rough board page from Fran's night out. I like seeing other folks rough stuff so maybe people will kike to see mine too. I grow to love Fran more and more. The most I can hope for is that this story will balance on the fickle pinpoint between "Wow, that was cool and unique!" and "Oh God. What was that, and why do my eyeballs burn?!"

Gotta ruuuuuun.


samacleod said...

Nice work sketchcrawler. I didn't have time for this past crawl. Too bad. Sounded fun. Nice Posts Kelly!

Emma said...

I think it's kind of funny how Fran looks like a charming old lady...

I like the crawl drawings. Looks like a fun time in Griffith Park!

Kelly said...

Fran has her charms. They are made from intestines, mostly.

Alex M. said...

When are you going to invite meh!? Selfish sketches, that's what I see! Share the magical goodness with friends, that's what I say!